

国際金融公社(IFC) トレジャラー兼財務担当副総裁 ジョン・ガンドルフォ、シニア・ファイナンシャル・オフィサー 安井 真紀





Challenges for Multilateral Development Banks in Moving to a Post-COVID-19 World
-New Initiatives of IFC in Financing and Funding-

John Gandolfo, Treasurer and Vice President, Maki Yasui, Senior Financial Officer, International Finance Corporation (IFC)

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on the economies and societies of developing countries, rolling back decades of progress in ending extreme poverty and impeding progress in achieving the SDGs. On the other hand, the pandemic has accelerated the interest of the private sector and investors in sustainable investment, creating greater momentum in addressing the SDG challenges. IFC will accelerate the development of emerging markets by supporting the private sector and fostering the capital markets that support it. The coronavirus pandemic stands to change the way we live and raise societal awareness of such global risks similar to the way disaster awareness increased around the world after the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan. From the tragedy of the global pandemic, we can draw lessons that will allow us to chart a better tomorrow for our world's people.