Financial and Capital Markets Research

The Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research conducts research on medium- to long-term structural themes in the financial and capital markets under the basic principles of neutrality, professionality, and practicality. Our research covers a wide range of topics, including domestic and foreign financial and securities regulations, strategies of financial institutions, trends in the asset management industry, and financial services for individuals. The research is published in Japan and overseas in the Nomura Capital Markets Quarterly and on this website.

Greeting from the Research Department

The Research Department has been conducting research on the systems and trends of financial and capital markets in Europe and the United States, which often are advancing ahead of Japan and therefore can provide suggestions for future developments in Japan’s markets. These include, for example, financial regulatory reform trends following the global financial crisis, and studies and policy recommendations on the introduction of such systems as defined contribution pension plans, J-REITs, and the Japan version of the Individual Savings Account (NISA). We are also focusing on the development of capital markets in China and other Asian countries, financial services for an aging society, and accelerating financial innovation. We will cooperate with the Nomura Research Center of Sustainability Research on research that contributes to the medium- to long-term development of Japan's financial and capital markets.